PaPoC 2025 will take place on March 31st, 2025. It is an in-person only event, happening in conjunction with EuroSys 2025 and ASPLOS 2025. The workshop will be located at J.F. Staalroom at Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam. To see how to reach the conference area, please follow this link.
- 8:30am Welcome Coffee
- 9:00am Keynote Talk - Martin Kleppmann
“Byzantine Eventual Consistency and Local-First Access Control” - 10:00am Lightning-Talk Session
- 10:00am M. Katebzadeh, A. Katsarakis, B. Grot
“Reliable Replication Protocols on SmartNICs” - 10:10am A. Psistakis, C. Alverti, J. Torrellas
“LeaderlessCXL: Leaderless Distributed Systems in the Era of CXL” - 10:20am Victor Grishchenko
“CRDT: from revolutionary to routine”
- 10:00am M. Katebzadeh, A. Katsarakis, B. Grot
- 10:30am Coffee Break
- 11:00am Fault-Tolerance Session
- 11:00am C. Georgiou, N. Nicolaou, A. Trigeorgi
“Dynamic Distributed Shared Memory: When&How?” - 11:30am M. Senn, C. Cachin
“Asymmetric Failure Assumptions for Reliable Distributed System” - 12:00pm N. Marx, F. Jacob, H. Hartenstein
“Proof-Carrying CRDTs allow Succinct Non-Interactive Byzantine Update Validation”
- 11:00am C. Georgiou, N. Nicolaou, A. Trigeorgi
- 12:30pm Lunch
- 2:00pm Keynote Talk - Luca Zanolini
“Towards a faster finality protocol for Ethereum” - Graph DB Session
- 3:00pm A. Pandey, S. Dumbrava, M. Shapiro, C. Ferreira, M. Pereira, N. Preguica
“Towards Local-First Distributed Property Graphs”
- 3:00pm A. Pandey, S. Dumbrava, M. Shapiro, C. Ferreira, M. Pereira, N. Preguica
- 3:30pm Coffee Break
- 4:00pm CRDT session
- 4:00pm E. Borth, P. Lersch, A. Bieniusa
“Directed Acyclic Graph CRDTs” - 4:30pm D. Borrego, A. Vilalonga, H. Domingos, N. Preguica, E. Boix, C. Ferreira
“ReDunT: Automatically Deriving Redundancy Relations for Pure Op-Based CRDTs” - 5:00pm A. Dantas, C. Baquero
“CRDT-Based Game State Synchronization in Peer-to-Peer VR” - 5:30pm J. Trovato, E. Gulcan, B. Ozkan. “CRDTs for Approximate Membership Queries”
- 4:00pm E. Borth, P. Lersch, A. Bieniusa