The 6th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data will take place on March 25th, 2019, in Dresden, Germany, and is co-located with the EuroSys 2019 conference. It is a successor to previous workhops in this series, PaPeC 2014, PaPoC 2015, PaPoC 2016, PaPoC 2017, and PaPoC 2018 which brought together researchers and practitioners in the areas of distributed systems, programming languages, databases and concurrent programming.

This workshop aims to investigate the principles and practice of available consistency models for large-scale, distributed shared data systems. This includes cloud-based systems, geo-replicated systems, and systems that combine cloud and edge components. It will bring together theoreticians and practitioners from different horizons: system development, distributed algorithms, concurrency, fault tolerance, databases, language and verification, including both academia and industry.


Carla Ferreira (NOVA University of Lisbon & NOVA LINCS)
Title: Techniques for safe and highly available cloud applications

Building trustworthy cloud applications is inherently complex and error-prone, and requires developers with a high level of expertise. In this talk, I will discuss sound analyze techniques that leverage recent theoretical advances to safely reduce or even avoid altogether coordinating the execution of operations. The approach consists of modifying operations in a way that application invariants are ensured to be always maintained. When no conflicting updates occur, the modified operations present their original semantics. Otherwise, it uses sensible and deterministic conflict resolution policies that preserve the invariants of the application.

Accepted Papers:

  • Interleaving anomalies in collaborative text editors. Martin Kleppmann, Victor B. F. Gomes, Dominic P. Mulligan and Alastair R. Beresford.
  • In Search of a Scalable Raft-based Replication Architecture. Christian Deyerl and Tobias Distler.
  • Proving Invariant Safety for Distributed Applications. Sreeja S Nair, Gustavo Petri and Marc Shapiro.
  • Higher-Order Patterns in Replicated Data Types. Adriaan Leijnse, Paulo Sérgio Almeida and Carlos Baquero.
  • Support of Strong Consistency on Fog Applications. Diogo Lima, Hugo Miranda and Francois Taiani.
  • A generic Replicated Data Type for Strong Eventual Consistency (Extended Abstract). Kevin De Porre, Florian Myter, Christophe De Troyer, Christophe Scholliers, Wolfgang De Meuter and Elisa Gonzalez Boix.
  • Data Replication on the Cloud/Edge. David Mealha, Nuno Preguiça, Maria Cecília Gomes and João Leitão.

Accepted for Presentation:

  • Secure causal delivery with client-side replication. Albert van der Linde, João Leitão and Nuno Preguiça.